14th Aug 2015

All About Micro


Microdermabrasion is a form of vacuum assisted mechanical exfoliation that is performed by a trained skin therapist in a salon environment.

There are different forms of microdermabrasion available depending on the salon you visit. Some may use diamond tips to abrade the skin. Others use tiny crystals blasted over the skin to resurface. Both are effective in similar ways but should always be performed by an expert to avoid possible skin trauma and lacerations.

The way Microdermabrasion works is by ‘abrading’ or sloughing off the dead cells that are sitting on the surface of the skin to reveal fresh healthy skin from below. If there are impurities like blackheads and milia trapped under the surface these will be broken down after a series of treatments allowing them to come to the surface and be eliminated naturally rather than squeezed out via nasty ‘extractions’ that can scar the skin and hurt like hell!

Removing the dead outer layer allows for better penetration of products which means that your serums and moisturisers will go deeper into the skin where they are needed to hydrate and create the glowing complexion we all dream of!

Microdermabrasion also helps to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is the fibre responsible for skin firmness. Stimulating this will help to plump and firm the skin hence reducing fine lines and wrinkles.


Microdermabrasion is a fantastic treatment for many skin concerns but the condition that benefits the most would be blackheads and congestion. Thickened sun damaged skin will also benefit from the shedding stimulated by a good ‘micro’ treatment but inflammatory conditions such as rosacea and melasma (pigmentation) should avoid this treatment as it can exacerbate them.


Sonophoresis is un ultrasound based treatment that causes small spaces to open between the skin cells that results in increased penetration of ingredients applied to the skin. Using Sonophoresis increases the absorption of actives by up to 1000 times compared to massaging the serum into the skin.By combining the two modalities we are able to stimulate and hydrate the skin in the most effective way at the deepest level with Sonophoresis after removing the outer ‘barrier’ with Microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion also features in our Manhattan Lift treatment, and is followed by a free radical fighting lactic peel. Much like in the Sonophoresis treatment, microdermabrasion allows for the lactic peel to penetrate deeper, resulting in dramatically renewed skin with a distinct glow.